About Us: Luke Sisson

Hi there! I’m Luke S10806470_10203193600305493_4725301841146338155_n[1]isson, co-creator of Essential Epsiodes. Honestly, I don’t watch a lot of TV, but one day I thought to myself, before trying to get into Mad Men (which I never ended up watching), “I wish there was some website somewhere that would tell me which episodes I should watch to convince me whether or not I like a show.” A little while later, here we are.

I generally like shows that are a little out of the mainstream. And I don’t like TV dramas that much. I don’t think I’ll write an article about The Walking Dead or The Sopranos any time soon. I’ll stick to the sitcoms. I’m a big nerd, also. So there’s that.

I also have aspirations of writing comedy on like a professional-ass level. You can follow me on Twitter, and also check out the dumb parody account that I run, @friends__real.

Anyway, enjoy your stay, watch the skies, and tell your friends!

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